Alli Town

A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't...well, you know.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Observing the Recount

So, after I turn in my grades tomorrow, I will be traveling all over Southwest Ohio to be a recount observer for the Green party. I went to a training session Saturday morning on how to be an observer and it was really well-attended. People obviously have different ideas about how to proceed with this effort: some have a short fuse and are minutes away from storming the Bastille; some still want us to introduce ourselves and share first; and most of us fall somewhere in between. Surprisingly, I say with sarcasm, the two poles don't seem to gel that well.

I'm not sure I learned much, other than the legal team's hotline number and that I am NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH ANYTHING. Oh yeah, and I am to use profanity under no circumstances. Instead of giving me hope, the info session made me feel a little overwhelmed. I was glad to meet two other thirty-somethingish college teacher chicks: Denice from Miami and Kim who teaches at DAAP. Kim is teaching a history of photography class in the Spring that I'm dying to take.

If you haven't seen Lazyboy's "Underwear Goes Inside the Pants" video, go to their site and watch it or if you have i-tunes, have a look in the music store, where the quality is better.

Has anyone seen the movie "Searching for Angela Shelton"? I really want to see it, but you have to buy the DVD from her for $24.95. If you haven't heard of this movie, check out her movie's site. It's pretty cool. And then check out her personal site, if you wanna feel like a total slouch. The woman does everything.


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