Alli Town

A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't...well, you know.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

John Conyers Is a Bad-Ass Mother

If you haven't seen the Keith Olbermann "Countdown" segment about voting irregularities in Ohio and Florida, it's available here. Even with a DSL connection, it takes a long time to download, because it's over eleven minutes of actual reporting and interviewing by KO. While you're waiting like it's 1999 for the download, have a look at William Rivers Pitt's blog he's filing while watching the hearing organized by John Conyers (D-MI). You'll probably recognize Congressman Conyers from his shocking revelation in Farenheit 9/11 that begins "Sit down, my son" when he breaks the news to Michael Moore that most bills (like the Patriot Act) never get read by Congress before they come before legislators for a vote.

I post these because I was listening to Air America Radio's "Unfiltered" (a bit of an addiction--I'll admit it), when they started a live (well, 5 second-delayed) broadcast of Jesse Jackson's speech before the hearing committee. Then my feed shut down and subsequent attempts to re-establish connection met with "Please tune back during programming hours." It doesn't take much to raise the paranoid hackles these days.

Also, since I haven't mentioned it already, I'm reading "True Lies" (not the screenplay for the movie starring the governor of California). It's great. And terrifying. Read it. I think I'm going to give it to my mom for Xmas.

And, in case you haven't guessed, I figured out how to do hyperlinks. WOOOOHOOOO!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Patriot Act, Son of Patriot Act is much worse...

3:59 PM  

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