Alli Town

A nice place to visit, but you wouldn't...well, you know.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Diversions, Diversions

Okay, I know I am turning into the world's biggest skeptic, but how is it that 70 people died in Iraq this weekend and the biggest news story is steroid use by major league baseball players?? Is Barry Bonds's undoubtedly shrunken penis and 'roid rage the most important thing Americans have to worry about now?

And here's how I learn about it: my husband's watching the "Today" show. I guess the Today show is the best of the morning "news" shows, but seriously, how do you start the broadcast with the pompous and circumstancial NBC News music and Katie or Matt delivering some somber news piece then segue into the "Best Christmas Gifts for Your Dog" piece?

At least on the local news segment there was FINALLY something about the lawsuits that have been filed in Ohio challenging the integrity of the vote process here, particularly in African American precincts and the vote count discrepencies in 13 counties (Butler and Warren spring to mind).


Blogger alli said...

Yes, I did feel bad crapping on "Today" (not literally, as that would bring big FCC fines). I did say that it was the best "news" show in the morning on TV. And I hate hate hate Access Hollywood and Extra and ET soooo much that my feelings for morning news/ lifestyle reports pale in comparison. It must be really hard for Anne Curry to switch gears, though.

And it would be a lot harder to complain about mainstream news media if mainstream news journalists did their f-ing jobs.

HOOORAYYYY for controversy on Allitown!!!

5:26 PM  

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